“If you’re like I was and fed-up with having to take the CA Bar exam again, I would highly recommend Steve! Thanks to him I was finally able to pass the exam on my third try. I knew the essays were my weakness, but my attempts at improving them via other methods wasn’t working. Turns out my problem was I didn’t know WHY the essays were my weakness, and Steve helped me figure out how to fix that. Steve helped me learn that there is more to bar essays than timing and regurgitation of everything we’ve ever memorized. Instead, he taught me how to test smart by sticking to a set formula. Through this I learned how to improve my existing skillset so that I was not doing things unnecessarily, while ensuring that every word I wrote had a purpose. After each essay, Steve would give detailed critique and examples on how to improve them so that my revisions were more purposeful and could later be built upon. Eventually, following Steve’s formula became second nature. Through repetition and growing comfort in writing bar essays, I was also able to improve my timing. This was definitely a time consuming process, but in the long-run was very helpful and made a huge difference in how I tackled each essay question. Steve helped me learn from my mistakes and how to identify those mistakes so that I wouldn’t make them again. Steve’s process helped me gain confidence in my ability to pass the test. I learned how to stop getting in my own way and how to write passing bar essays. Finally, even though I was working full-time, it wasn’t unmanageable as we were able to find a study schedule that worked within my work schedule. I would highly recommend Steve to anyone that wants to pass the CA Bar!”