“The first time I took the bar exam I felt that I did every thing I could to prepare. I completed each assignment Barbri gave me, and walked into the exam feeling ready for whatever it could throw at me. When I checked my results and read the dreaded “this name does not appear on the pass list” I didn’t know what to do. I scheduled a call with Steve and felt he had what I needed to get my name on the pass list. There was a lot of work to be done, but with his unique approach I made the necessary changes. As we worked together I saw my writing improve every week. Steve’s method stripped away the unnecessary fluff in other bar programs, and really focused on what I needed to know. He kept me accountable, helped me develop a well-planned strategy for taking the test, and was the extra motivation I needed to put in the hard work. Looking back, Barbri gave many unnecessary assignments that didn’t move me closer to passing the bar. It felt great to check the box and move on to my next day’s work, but I wasn’t focusing on the areas I really needed to. Barbri was a shotgun approach. They throw every thing at you and hope some of it will help. Steve’s method is like a sniper. Focused and effective. For me, that made all the difference.”