“Where to start- Steve Zikman demystified the whole Bar exam process. I was unsuccessful more times than I want to remember, and what I hated each time was the fact that I felt more lost and confused than the previous attempt. With each exam attempt, I tried new methods, along with old methods that seemed to work, but still had the same result–failure. This all changed once I started working with Steve. Steve made preparing for the Ca Bar Exam simple, but this is NOT to be confused with easy. Studying was absolutely difficult, but Steve simplified the process, and took out the complications. On my last and successful attempt, I followed Steve’s program and his guidelines, even though sometimes my stubborn side wanted to complete the task at hand in another manner. But I executed his exam preparation exactly as he instructed, and I passed the exam, and so will you. If you have sat multiple times for the Bar, feel more lost than ever, and feel as if the Bar is some unattainable and monumental task, then contact and work with Steve. You will thank him and yourself for doing so. Steve made me realize that the bar is an academic test, nothing more, nothing less. Tackling the Bar is just as mental as it is academic, and Steve was also my “life coach” during this period of time. He kept me motivated and on track. Lastly, once you pass and are past the Bar exam, then you can focus on moving on with your professional aspirations, and never, ever, look back.”