The California Bar Exam and COVID-19

Based on the latest information from the California Bar Examiners, the February 2021 California Bar Exam is still scheduled for February 23-24, 2021.  We recommend that students take full advantage of these next couple of months to prepare for the exam.  We also recommend that students register for the exam as soon as possible, in the event that the bar examiners decide to limit the number of bar examiners for the upcoming exam.

Our new Fast Track Intensive option is designed especially for repeaters who decide to take the February 2021 bar exam instead of enrolling in an Early Study option for the July 2021 exam.  Because the bar exam results are being released on January 8, 2021, there will be very little time to prepare for the February exam.  As such, we have created this special 4-week intensive program for repeating students who are able to shift gears and start studying immediately after the January 8th results are released.  Of course, students are also welcome to begin their studies before January 8th in order to give themselves more preparation time.

As always, all of our private, 1-on-1 meetings are conducted over the phone. Our students are located all over the California, across the country and around the world. Even if a student lives in Los Angeles where we are based, traveling across the city results in wasted time and energy, and now remote meetings are critical to staying safe in these challenging times.

In the weeks and months ahead, be sure to stay focused, and healthy!


Ready to get started with the Strategic Bar Coach?

For further inquiries, please complete this Convenient Form, OR send an Email to We can then set up a time for us to talk on the phone in order to get a better sense for your needs and address your specific questions, etc. Be sure to include the best telephone number where you can be reached.

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